Monday, January 12, 2009

DAY 1 (Yay finally get started!!)

Day one:

So maybe getting to day 90 is not as hard as getting to day one, but finally. As I am trying to deal with the idea of posting weight and not so super flattering pictures I am remember why I am doing this. I am not where I want to be with my fitness. Maybe I need to work on my relationship with food (not super sure what the word moderation means at all), and maybe I can stop making my size equal to my validity as a person. A little twisted, I know, but somehow how much I weigh has something to do with my worth as a human being. I won't go further down that road:)

So Date Jan 12 2009

Weight 176 (not the worst ever, but most certainly we can improve on that).

Now we can set some goals.

90 days 24lbs (this is a healthy weightloss of 2 lbs a week)
152 I can do that.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Here is the game.

My clothes are not fitting as I would like to, I have spent over a year at a desk job and I seem to be able to find any excuse to not go work out especially with all the holiday food, parties, and events it has seemed nearly impossible... Sound familiar to anyone?

So a couple of days ago, while I was watching TV there was one of those fitness commercials on. You know the ones. With the super fit telling you that all you have to invest in your body to look like them is 90 days. Oh, yeah, 90 days and their product. So I started to think 'What can I do with my body in 90 days?' The thought got stuck in my head. 'What can I do with my body in 90 days?'

So here is the game I am going to take my own 90 day challenge. I am going to journal everything, from my workout to the bag of chips I had on break to get me though to the end of work. I will weigh weekly, blog my progress twice a week, and measure once on day one, once on day45, and again on day 90.

Rules? I will list all of the supplements that I am taking. I will be working out 5 days per week. Three days of cardio and lifting and two days of just cardio. I will explore the group classes at the different facilities that I belong to. Questions? Just let me know:) Let's have some fun!!